What is this about?
The Big Idea

In the tax pro “biz,” completing tax returns is called “compliance” or maintenance work. Unfortunately, many of you need more than that — you need to understand how clergy income, deductions, and taxes work. I teach courses on that! But I don’t have time during the busy season to do that extra work when you need it — at least, not with the way I’ve been doing things so far. So I’m setting up these options for you — and you know who you are.

Clergy Advisory Services

Clergy and business coaching and education on a one-to-one basis. Finally understand exactly how your taxes work and how each part affects the whole. Customized to the unique needs of each individual client. The more you know, the more you can save. One-time fee.

Subscription Plan

Fully customizable package of services including annual tax returns, estimated tax payment or withholding planning, email & phone support throughout the year, and ongoing coaching as needed. Includes up to 4 hours of one-on-one time with me as contracted. Monthly fee.